Kevin Woods

Kevin Woods

Your Bottom Line   |  

"Before Ross Libbey of “Your Bottom Line” I had been very stressed out with all the challenges involved in starting a small business... When we first met to talk about what he could do for me I was a bit skeptical and stubborn as I had been the one looking after all the bookkeeping and was reluctant to hand over the reigns. One may assume that having a person with the experience that Ross has at his side would be costly and complicated...After Ross Libbey of “Your Bottom Line” I am happy to give him this testimonial in recognition for the work that he has done for me to help my business become organized prosperous... Ross together with AI have trained Lorraine, Darlene and myself to properly file information to make all of the business practices run more smoothly and efficiently. I look forward to working with the “Your Bottom Line” team for many years to come."