Alex Wilkins (Wilkins IT Solutions Inc.)

Alex Wilkins (Wilkins IT Solutions Inc.)

Your Bottom Line   |  

Mike & Ross Libbey became our accountants in November of 2014. The first year we had our corporate taxes prepared the accountant at the time prepared and reviewed our taxes with us on the due date for tax submissions with no prior communication to us about the status of our taxes. This made us incredibly weary of the entire process and had I personally not saved money for taxes ahead of time, would have been poorly prepared for the information the accountant presented at the meeting.

We then hired YBL, Mike and Ross kept in constant contact with us giving us regular updates on when the taxes will be ready and we filed months ahead of the deadline and have filed well in advance ever since. Using their VCFO service we receive regular support and we have quarterly planning meetings to ensure that our tax strategy is still valid to ensure we have the right plan in place at all times to maximize the profit for our business.

At Your Bottom Line, their top priority is truly, Your Bottom Line. I have never met a more organized accounting firm that is more dedicated to your continued success.
